Sardinia Land & Sound

Sardigna Logu Sonante

Sardinia Land & Sound

Sardigna Logu Sonante / Sardinia Land & Sound” is a project of internationalization of the Anton Stadler Association, co-financed with POR Sardegna F.E.S.R. 2014/2020. Asse III, Azione 3.4.1. Bando IdentityLAB 2 – 2018, which is based on the participation to three cultural events in France, through the realization of an original and innovative performance, entirely “made in Sardinia”, focused on the environmental heritage and the identity of our island.

The cultural events above mentioned are: the historical season of concerts of the Conservatory du Grand Avignon, the Festival of Avignon, and the artistic residence “Partage” organized by the Gallery «ART en Partage» in Paris.

The creative product, as cornerstone of the project, will be the result of the union between images and music. Images will be provided through an action call, which is arranged with the friendly cooperation of Gesto Segno Disegno. This action call is supposed to involve all web users, in order to develop the audience, who will be called to send their own video-photographic contributions about Sardinia. It might deal with photos or videos made by them during a holiday in the island. The visual artists involved will edit every material received, in order to create three different videos which will be part of each performance’s scenography. Images will be scrolling together up to the screen, with musical effect in the background. The musicians involved will perform live interpreting some traditional melodies of Sardinia, with rhythmic and harmonic modern-day rearrangement of the Sardinian music.

In order to develop cultural tourism in Sardinia, a touristic info-point will be set up during the event hosted at the Conservatory of Avignon, where promotional material of the main cultural and environmental goods of Sardinia will be provided. Moreover, food and wine tasting of typical sardinian products will be set up on the occasion of the event. The main purpose is to create synergy with the agro-industry as strategic field of our economy, in order to offer to the participants a 360° multi-sensorial experience and a great awareness of the cultural heritage of Sardinia.


The first event of “Sardigna Logu Sonante” was held on Friday 11 October, during the concert season of the Conservatory of Avignon, in the Château de Fargues in Le Pontet, an integral part of the project financed by POR Sardinia F.E.S.R. 2014/2020. Axis III, Action 3.4.1. Call for IdentityLAB 2 – 2018 organized by the Anton Stadler Association.

On the stage the composer and bandoneonist Fabio Furìa, the pianist and composer Alessandro Di Liberto, performed, with the participation of Yvonne Hahn, bandoneonist and teacher in the Conservatory of Avignon in an original and innovative show, fruit of the union between images and music from the tradition islander for a concert capable of turning towards jazz at different times.

Accompanying the music is the evocative video of the visual artist Matteo Campulla, born from video-photographic contributions sent by the participants to the action call published on the web by Anton Stadler.

Given the success of this first call thanks to the participation of Reparata Brigas, Ilaria Budroni, Gianni Persico, Sémata, Luca Sanna, Rossella Serra, Cristian Strina, Manuela Tugulu, Leonardo Tuveri we decided to make a permanent call for the next two shows planned for March 2020 in Paris, guest of the artistic residence “Partage” organized by the “ART en Partage” Gallery and for October 2020 during the week of Italian culture in Avignon, with two new videos edited by visual artists Massimiliano Marraffa and Federico Cozzucoli respectively.