About us

The Anton Stadler Cultural Association is a professional organization operating in the musical, artistic and cultural field in the territory of Sulcis Iglesiente.
It has been active for more than 19 years and is recognized and sustained by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and by the local authorities, which from time to time host the shows organized and distributed by the association.

Since its foundation in 1998, its mission is the promotion and enhancement of music in all its forms and genres. This is made possible, on the one hand, through the concert activity, the organization of important exhibitions, and didactic workshops; on the other hand, through the production of shows created by the Association, distributed throughout the national and European territory.

In fact, each year the association presents prestigious music festivals to the public, new productions signed by “Anton Stadler”, performances of guest companies and important music events, contributing to the creation of an artistic and cultural offer of great value for the entire territory of Sulcis Iglesiente.

Guided by the artistic director Fabio Furia, during its intense activity, the Association has made important collaborations with Public Authorities, such as the Province of Carbonia Iglesias and the Municipalities of the territory, as well as with foundations and theaters, such as the Fondazione del Teatro Lirico di Cagliari and the Central Theater of Carbonia, thus succeeding in becoming a strategic manifold between local business realities, nonprofit organizations and other cultural associations.