


The Association Anton Stadler was born in Iglesias in 1998 with the aim of carrying out activities in the musical, cultural and artistic sector.

In the musical field, its activity is aimed at the promotion and enhancement of music in all its forms and genres. These purpose are realized on the one hand through the concert activity, the organization of important exhibitions and initiatives aimed at the musical dissemination, also through the organization of workshops and didactics; on the other hand through the production and distribution of shows designed and realized by the Association.

Since its inception, the work of the Anton Stadler Association has developed into two main directions such as organizing music festivals and performances and production activities. The latter, which is the result of a remarkable research, deepening and maturing process, has become increasingly important in recent years, so that it is now the most prevalent activity.


Anton Stadler’s productions are essentially of a concert type and vary from year to year between different genres and formations.
These are usually related to tango and jazz and include small ensembles, single solo, duo and quartet.
The productions, besides being included in the concert program organized by the association, are distributed in the national and European territory.

The concert activity has grown over the years, progressively diversifying and enriching the cultural and eventual offerings of the territory throughout the year, while still retaining one single thread: the dissemination of musical culture through different genres. The association, in fact, organizes its annual programming by structuring it in periodic appointments characterized by different and varied artistic proposals, in the years enriched by the realisation of the productions designed by Anton Stadler.

In addition to the two main events, the International Chamber Music Festival and the ARTango Festival, there are some concerts of different genres: jazz, tango, classical, baroque, romantic, mediterranean and ethnic music, etc.

In 1999 was born the first edition of International Chamber Music Festival, which has continued to this day. Initially, limited to the city of Iglesias, in recent years the Chamber Music Festival has also extended to other municipalities in the Province of Carbonia Iglesias, through important collaborations with local institutions, representing a concerted event with great music and prestigious artists.

In 2008 and 2009, the association is responsible for organizing the “Vinum in Musica” Festival, promoted by the Province of Carbonia Iglesias, with the collaboration of the local authorities and the local wineries of the area, which has seen the interplay between taste and music: concerts of music in the winery and promotion of wines and local culinary excellence through refined tastings. In just two years the event has gained great public and media success, catalyzing the attention of regional and national leaders (Sardinian Union, New Sardinia, Corriere della Sera.it, D di Repubblica, RAI2 SiViaggiare, RAI 3, etc) so to be repeated in 2010 with the name of Carignano Music Experience, in order to promote the wine excellence of Sulcis, namely the DOC Carignano del Sulcis. Once again, in 2013, the association is entrusted with the organization of the prestigious exhibition, which has become a point of reference for the eventual planning of the island summer.

Since 2010, the Association has produced “ARTango” – Tango Festival of Sulcis Iglesiente, which has progressively catalyzed the attention of the regional press and local TVs for the innovative and important artistic program and for the important public participation (well over 1000 attendance, largely from interprovincial sources).

In addition, since 2011, the Association is implementing the Festival “Colori & Note”, an initiative promoted by the Municipality of Calasetta at the Museum of Contemporary Art, and starting from 2012 launches “Liberevento” literary and musical festival, always in Calasetta.

Together with concert activity, the association, attentive and sensitive to the needs of an increasingly motivated and involved audience, has over the years proposed workshops aimed at different age groups in order to offer a series of concrete tools through which to be able to actively and consciously enjoy the sound world in its entirety, and to experience the taste of doing and thinking in music.
During the years of its activity, the association has also made important collaborations with Teatro Lirico Foundation of Cagliari. Annually, Anton Stadler’s associates are offered an important opportunity to subscribe to both Concertistic and Lyrical Season and Ballet at an agreed cost.